Congratulations! You have made it to the interview part of your job application. This is the next most important step to nail on the head. This is where you come face-to-face with the company and have the perfect opportunity to make a good impression and solidify your job application success. However, many mistakes can be made, which can cost you getting the job. In order to avoid this, we have complied 5 common mistakes candidates make during an interview and how you can avoid them in the future.
1.Not Coming Prepared
Never walk into an interview without being prepared and doing your own homework. Always research about the company you have applied to, what their goods/services are, their reputation, their company culture etc. Some good places to find out about the company, is looking at their website, all their social media platforms, and any articles written about them in the news. By doing this sort of research, you will show to the company that you are interested in what they do and who they are. Furthermore, some of the first questions companies ask candidates is “tell us what you know about our company”. Based on the accuracy of your answer to this question, the company will already know how interested or not you are about them.
2.Not Knowing How You Will Benefit The Company
Knowing how to express and communicate to others your own capabilities and how you will add value is vital. By knowing how to effectively do this, it will show a company that you have already shown interest in working for them. It will also prove during the interview, that you have thought about how you will benefit them in the future if they hire you. Everyone is unique and has a special way about how they conduct their work and their thinking. Never be shy to express your methods and passions along with your success rate in your work.
3.Not Dressing Appropriately
During an interview, it is customary to “dress up”, and appear well-groomed. Of course, you should still stay true to your own style and culture, as this is a reflection of who you are and your personality. However, do not forget that an interview is quite a formal matter and to still take into consideration your dress. Do not show too much skin, have your clothes clean and ironed etc. Do want makes you feel confident. If you look good, you’ll feel good. Confidence is key during an interview.
4.Not Greeting and Thanking Properly
This might seem like quite an obvious thing to do, but you would be surprised how many people don’t execute it properly. When greeting and thanking those during your interview, always do it in a positive and happy manner, even if you feel that the interview didn’t go well. Everyone responds well to a happy face and a positive attitude and it’s a great way to start and end off the interview process. Always say you are glad to meet them, thank them for considering you and having the interview, and that you look forward to hearing from them. Being polite will never hurt you as this sort of positive and kind attitude might land you a job with them in the future.
5. Not Asking Questions or Asking the Wrong Questions
Companies enjoy it when you have questions for them, it shows you are curious and interested. Before the interview, once you have found out as much about the company that you can find, write down at least 3-5 questions for them and memorize them. These questions can be about the company, the job itself and more. The reason for preparing at least 3 questions, is that some of your questions might get answered naturally during the interview process.
However, do not ask the wrong questions either, asking certain questions too early can give a bad impression. Do not ask about salary if they haven’t sent you a job offer and do not ask about leave time etc. As it will show you are more interested in the job for the money and the time you can get off not working.
Exception: If the interviewer presses you for your current salary or your salary expectations, as they often do, tell them what your salary requirements are and whether you are negotiable or not.